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Posted on February 1, 2022 by Maple Creek


For every action we take or choice we make throughout our lives, there are consequences; some good, some not. I realize that in the last decade or so, the trend has been toward holding someone other than ourselves responsible when the consequences are not what we had hoped. We choose to forget that we made the choice in the first place, and hopefully if we are adults, we thought through the choice, weighing the pros and cons before making the decision as to which choice we would make, or action we would take. If we are responsible adults, we have made a choice knowing that there was no guarantee as to the result, and being prepared, as a self-aware adult, to live with the consequences.
As is quite common these days, I have made a free choice to talk about consequences in relation to Covid. To get vaccinated, or to not get vaccinated. Unlike many, I have chosen to get my information from informed sources, and do not use social media as my “university”.
I decided to compare getting vaccinated with buying house insurance. We have a free choice. We purchase a nice house and have the income to purchase insurance on that home. However, an acquaintance referred us to a couple of sites on social media that state that insurance is unnecessary. In fact, not just unnecessary, but detrimental to our life style. “The chance of our house burning down is small (I’m not sure of the stats on this), insurance can be expensive, it is a money grab by insurance companies, we likely won’t ever collect on it” etc. So we make the free choice to not purchase insurance. However, there are consequences. Our kids come home from school and get involved in their electronic devices so don’t notice that an overheated appliance has decided to become an active fire. Luckily, someone else notices and calls the fire department. We arrive home to see our house in flames, and are unsure if our children are safe. Fortunately, everyone survives, but suddenly we are left with a badly damaged home and no insurance. Unlikely, but possible. Consequences.
The difference with getting a Covid vaccine is that it costs us nothing. Will it protect us 100% from contracting Covid? No. It will not, any more than house insurance will protect us 100% from a fire. But, if we do contract Covid, it will be less serious, our chances of spreading it to our children and other family and friends is considerably less likely. Just as insurance will make it less difficult for us to fix our house in the event of a fire.
Consequences: We have the FREE choice to get vaccinated or not.That is our choice. However, there are consequences. There are places we cannot go and things we cannot do if we are not vaccinated – a consequence of the choice we made to not be vaccinated. DO NOT complain that our freedom of choice is taken from us. We made the choice not to get vaccinated, knowing full well there are consequences, so why are we upset by those consequences? It is our choice.
Sincerely, Donna Holtby

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