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Wayne’s World – Shocking – truly shocking

Posted on March 10, 2015 by Maple Creek

By Wayne Litke

Before I start spouting about stuff that is really getting under my skin, I want to say that it was a real treat to attend the Night Fox Theatre production last Friday at Fox Valley. Not only were my wife and I treated to a hilarious western performance titled Sagebrush Sidekicks, we also enjoyed the food that was served and most of all, we enjoyed visiting with friends we have not seen in a long time.
The actors’ performance was so good that I felt like returning the next night with my cap gun (or the real thing) and firing a few rounds just to show my support of the actors: Hayley Mumby, Kurtis Sehn, Jonathon Schneider, Dale Schneider, cross-dresser Sara Deis, Dakota Leaver, Tena Schneider, Tracey Schmaltz and Stephane Taillon. Behind the production was the directing skills of Jackie Dirk and producer and prompter Delia Hughes.
While at the Night Fox Theatre performance I tried to glean a little information from Rose Lodoen about her upcoming gardening plans. However, she was tight-lipped and despite my most persuasive attempts to have her divulge a couple of secrets to growing great tomatoes, I returned home empty handed. I was shocked – truly shocked.
Moving forward to Saturday, I read an article in the Leader-Post about escapades in libraries that left me speechless. All I could say to my wife is, “I cannot believe the crazy crap that people do!” I try not to get too agitated by crazy stuff in the news, but the report that a woman had been charged for making undercover sex shows in a library caught me totally off guard and left me at a loss for words.
Firstly, I may be a little conservative, but I think recording a sex act in a library is a little unusual at the best of times. It was apparently a solo sex act which makes the performances even more bizarre, especially considering that it was a young woman and not the stereotypical male who was getting his jollies in a sick way. I guess it goes to prove that men and women both have a sex drive that left unchecked can get them into difficult and unlawful situations.
The individual charged is reportedly a 21-year-old woman whose last name is Morra. She apparently turned herself in last Friday and was shocked by all the publicity her actions had generated. I guess Morra did not realize that an overdue book does not carry the same news weight (or importance) as dozens of alleged live-streamed sex acts at study desks in a public library. Even more unbelievable is the presumption that the sex acts that began in November, 2014 were conducted while children and unsuspecting people also visited the Windsor libraries involved. I can’t help wonder if Morra was an avid reader of fiction or non-fiction.
The Windsor libraries first became aware of a problem in January after complaints were received. The nature of the complaints was not divulged in the report I read, so I can only imagine the nature of people’s concerns such as loud moanings in a quiet area. Flashing back to reality, Morra apparently exposed her breasts, genitals, masturbated and used sex toys – wow! It’s hard to believe that all those actions occurred at public libraries over a three-month period . . . and then my eyes opened even wider as I read the next line in the story. It said there are also videos circulating on-line of the young woman doing similar things at a business that appears to be a coffee shop that may be Tim Hortons.
The strange thing is she apparently uploaded her sex shows through an Internet site that allows fans to view live streams and interact with performers such as Morra. Fans can ask performers to do various acts (sexual or otherwise) and a person who feels inadequate, unloved or rejected may perform compromising acts simply to feel accepted.
Now this is the point where the bizarre things that occur should strike home with each and every one of us because we are not immune to what goes on in other parts of Saskatchewan, Canada and the world. Morra is a good-looking young woman who could be your or my daughter, and somehow she became caught up in a twisted world of illicit self exposure at public venues. Her actions cry out as a person who desperately needs attention and parental love – paternal love in particular in my opinion. There is a reason people behave strangely, and we should try to understand the motives for their actions rather than condemn them as being freaks.
We all make mistakes and the sad fact of life is some mistakes are more visual and noticeable than others. For example, the actions of a pregnant teenage girl are quite evident, but the father can remain almost anonymous if he chooses since his body does not exhibit any tell-tale features of his role in the affair. For that reason, the way unwed mothers have been looked down upon in years past is totally wrong as a male held equal responsibility in every one of those situations. It seems that somehow the fathers who abandoned their child did not feel the social scorn that mothers faced as they raised a child singlehandedly.
Now, it seems like something even more bizarre has happened. We have young girls – teenage girls – who are getting pregnant at early ages and then raising their child without a father. Call me old-fashioned, but I think every child deserves a father and mother in order to be given the best chance to excel and succeed in life. I say that because there was a period in my childhood when I did not have a father and it was a dark time indeed.
Looking at Morra’s actions, it is apparent that when we are left to our own devices and fall under the influence of immoral individuals, our conduct can easily become shocking – truly shocking.

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