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A new year, a new town, a new adventure

Posted on January 15, 2021 by Maple Creek

By Jamie Rieger, managing editor

Well, 2020 was definitely a year of changes for many of us. Some would call it a roller coaster ride, others might say the whole ride has ceased up. Either way, we all had to make adjustments in our professional and personal lives. I don’t think there is a single person out who has not been impacted in some way by COVID-19, myself included.
In December, I was offered and accepted position of managing editor for Maple Creek’s two newspapers, Maple Creek News and Maple Creek Southwest Advance Times.
I started the job early in the new year and am just starting to get rolling here in Maple Creek. Now, that my move from Medicine Hat is behind me (except for most of the unpacking), it’s now time to sit down and write a few words to introduce myself to the readers of both publications.
I started in this business in 2001 as a freelancer of news stories, agriculture articles, and business related articles. I did that for a few years when I was offered the position of reporter for the Cypress Courier, which led to me being the editor of the Forty Mile County Commentator/Cypress Courier.
This was in 2011 and it meant a move away from the Hat to Bow Island where I stayed for six-and-a-half years. I have always been a rural reporter, covering small town events, politics, and whatever is happening to make that town tick. Agriculture and rural life have always been big parts of my writing career.
When one of my friends or family members would ask how far some place was away from me, I would always tell them, “it’s just down the road.” And most everything was just down the road.
Moving to Maple Creek is pretty similar in many ways, although this time I moved in January in the midst of this darn pandemic. There were a few challenges with the move, that’s for sure. But, moving always finds anomalies at the worst possible times.
However challenging the move was, I am here in Maple Creek ready to sink my teeth into the what makes this community and the whole region tick.
I do have one regret that I should mention. Because of the COVID restrictions in Alberta, I left southeast Alberta without saying goodbye to a few people who I would loved to have sat down with for a cup of coffee or drink, but that is not possible right now. However, once all this craziness has passed and restrictions are lifted, they’ll know where to find me. I’ll be just down the road.
Anybody wishing to connect online can reach me at editorial@maplecreeknews.com

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