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A near-normal fall in store for Saskatchewan

Posted on September 15, 2016 by Maple Creek

False start to winter likely

Megan Roth
Twitter: @MeganMCNews
Email: mroth@maplecreeknews.com

Days are getting shorter and the leaves on the trees are beginning to turn beautiful reds, golds and browns as autumn descends on Saskatchewan.
Don’t tell the changing temperatures, but autumn begins on Sept. 22. To prepare for what is sure to be fluctuation in the temperatures, The Weather Network released their fall forecast on Sept. 13.
Southwest Saskatchewan will be seeing what is expected to be normal fall weather over the next three months.
The Weather Network meteorologist Nadine Powell said the temperatures over the autumn months should even out to meet the seasonal average despite warmer and colder days thrown in.
“There will be some warmer days and colder days but they are expected to average out at the end to the 12 degree seasonal average we are expecting,” explained Powell.
The warmer weather will mostly be seen in the early stages of the fall. Powell expects the monthly average for September to sit around the 20 degree mark with the temperatures dropping each month until we reach a monthly average of three degrees by November.
“We should be seeing an extension of summer a bit, particularly in September and into the beginning of October,” said Powell.
According to the weather forecast released by the Weather Network, fluctuating temperatures is normal for fall as it is a transitional season.
The tricky part of the fall forecast comes when looking at the extreme southern part of the province and where to draw the line.
For much of the most southerly part of the province will experience an increase in precipitation along with some stormy weather.
“In Maple Creek you will be on the borderline which means you may see some of those autumn storms expected for the southern region,” said Powell who added those most affected by the fall storm systems will be the towns and farms closer to the international Canada-U.S. border.
“We are expecting a stormier weather pattern to develop as we progress through the season, which could mean an early taste of winter for many regions,” Chief Meteorologist at The Weather Network Chris Scott said in a statement.
Powell told the News-Times this early taste of winter is likely to be seen in November but it isn’t expected to last very long.
“We could see a dip in the weather for a while and maybe some snow that will make us think it is here to stay, but it won’t,” she said.
The glimpse of winter the province may see in November could last from a couple of days to three weeks. After the cold snap settles, the temperature will move back into the milder temperatures normal for the month of November.
The Weather Network has not yet looked too far into what the winter months could bring but the meteorologist have a beginning idea.
The forecast released had a glimpse into the winter forecast and The Weather Network is expecting a near-normal winter, with a colder Arctic system possible to cross over the country bringing with it colder temperatures later in the winter season.
“We haven’t really looked into winter quite yet so it is hard to say what we are in for,” said Powell.
The winter forecast will be released at the end of November, until people in Saskatchewan get to experience a “near- normal” autumn.

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