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Rise in business break-ins in Maple Creek

Posted on March 7, 2017 by Maple Creek

Sean McIntosh
Twitter: @SeanMCNews

Since the end of 2016, there has been an increase in break and enters for Maple Creek businesses.

Following a recent break and enter at the Maple Creek Community Arena on Feb. 18, posters were put up around town asking the public to assist the RCMP in finding the suspects.

“The camera system [in the rink] did capture an alleged unauthorized entry. There was two individuals moving around the building carrying some items,” said Korey Pinkerton, Maple Creek parks and recreation manager.

Some items weren’t in their regular spot after that night, Pinkerton said.

“There are certain things that are unaccounted for right now and we did see the two individuals enter places where, at that time of day, people were unauthorized,” he said.

The Maple Creek Armoury was reportedly broken into the same night. It’s unknown if anything was taken from there, but there were wedding gifts in the building following a wedding reception earlier in the day, Sgt. John Phipps of the Maple Creek RCMP said.

Those aren’t the only buildings that have been reportedly broken into lately, as the amount of break-ins over the past four months have been higher than normal, according to Sgt. Phipps.

“We don’t know if the same person is hitting all of these businesses or if there’s a couple individuals or small groups hitting the businesses. We’re still investigating several different leads,” said Phipps.

Most break-ins at other businesses around town saw the suspect or suspects gain access to the buildings by force. There are a couple exceptions, including one business having a key stolen from the building.

Most of the businesses being broken into are smaller ones without cameras or security systems, according to Phipps.

“It’s the easier targets that are getting hit,” Phipps said. “If people would take some extra measures we would see a lot less break and enters.”

It’s important for business owners, even though it’s in a small town, to make sure the building is as secure from break and enters as possible.

“We’re living in an age where you need to protect your investment, you need to have proper locks on your doors and windows, you need to have cameras or security systems.”

Despite the increase in business break and enters, residential homes have not seen an increase.

“We get very few residential break and enters here, maybe a few a year.”

For those who may still be concerned their home or vehicle is at risk of being broken into, Phipps suggests making sure the doors and windows are locked, especially when you’re out of town.

If you have any information on one or multiple break and enters in Maple Creek, you’re asked to contact the RCMP at 306-662-5550.

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