Small business is being crushed under the weight of COVID-19 restrictions, Ontario activist Chris Saccoccia told supporters on Saturday.
Speaking to a crowd at Lions Park, Saccoccia, who identifies himself as Chris Sky, said Canadians get the government they deserve.
“So everything that is happening right now is all because we are allowing it. So I don’t want to hear Canadians complain, I want to hear Canadians coming together like we are seeing.”
Sky said his “freedom convoy”, which has been on a cross-country tour, had made several stops, and each time the groups in attendance had got bigger.
“What are we telling everybody? Now that we know that everybody is awake, we see it. Everywhere we see it, big groups like this showing up. We need people to start taking action. And the number one action we need to take, we need to open our businesses. I’ve been saying this, 97 per cent of all businesses in Canada are small businesses, 70 per cent of all the jobs in Canada are from small businesses. And small business is the one being crushed more than anything right now.
“We are losing hundreds of thousands of businesses, millions of jobs. And these are people that are formerly independent, adding to the GDP and living a wonderful life. And now they are completely dependent on the government to survive and the government is doing it on such a grand scale they want to introduce something called universal basic income, the hallmark of virtually every Communist dictatorship. The way to perpetually raise our taxes, and lower our services, and the way to perpetually increase unemployment, and dependency on Government.
“Why? Why does the government want you dependent on them, why does the government want all this control … because they no longer want to serve you, they rule you.”
Sky said his united non-compliance movement was encouraging people in every town and city to form small business groups. Every small business owner should join the group, and get others to join as well, he said, with the aim of opening up on the May long weekend, without any restrictions.
At the outset of his speech, Sky praised Michelle McKenzie, the Mayor of Maple Creek, for recognizing the right to protest – even though Saskatchewan premier Scott Moe had said “some really nasty things about me, really nasty things about the movement”.
Sky said other rights should also be respected: the right to open businesses, a parent’s right to choose whether or not a child wears a mask at school, and the right to freely travel in and out of the country as a Canadian ought to do.
“These are only our fundamental freedoms. We are not asking for anything special here.”
Sky also attacked the idea of vaccine passports, claimed vaccines had not been approved except under emergency order, and said that masks and lockdowns did not work.
“The more we keep masking the higher the cases go, the more we keep testing the higher the cases go, the more we lock down, the higher the cases go. Meanwhile, places like Texas took off their masks, opened up their stadiums, 40,000 people are watching our Blue Jays play, while we can’t, and their cases have plummeted.
“What does it tell you? A, there is another way. And B, we have real world examples where masks and lockdowns not only don’t benefit, they don’t work at all.”
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