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Naming of new seed varieties will honour veterans

Posted on June 10, 2021 by Maple Creek


FP Genetics Inc. and The Royal Canadian Legion, Saskatchewan Command, are excited to announce the name of the second veteran chosen in our variety naming collaboration that serves to honour veterans and highlight the sacrifices they have made in service of community and country.
Pte L.J. “Jack” Hockley was born in Yellow Grass, Saskatchewan in 1926. He joined the Canadian Army during World War II, served with Pacific Command and was honourably discharged in 1946. Jack currently resides in Maple Creek with his wife Diane where he has been a member of the Maple Creek Legion Branch 75 branch for over 30 years.
The official variety name is AAC Hockley, which is a new high yielding semi‐dwarf CWRS wheat bred by Dr. Richard Cuthbert at the Swift Current Research & Development Centre (SCRDC) of Agriculture and Agri‐Food Canada, Swift Current, Saskatchewan.
The legislation that applies to naming plant varieties operates on the principle of “One Variety‐ One Name”. This affords a unique timeless and global opportunity to recognize veterans for their contributions to Canada by naming new crop varieties in their honour.
If you know of any worthy applicants or deserving members, please visit sasklegion.ca to fill out an application form. This is currently the second variety to be named after a veteran as part of this program, more to come in the following weeks.
The Royal Canadian Legion, Saskatchewan Command, serves veterans and the communities in which it operates through advocacy work for the care and benefit of all who have served Canada. The Legion provides representation, services, and assistance to veterans at no cost. The Legion understands the importance of honouring past sacrifices and acknowledging the courage of those who served and still serve today.
Wholly‐owned by more than 160 local seed growers, FP Genetics is dedicated to providing superior seed genetics to Western Canadian farmers. FP Genetics has developed an industry‐leading portfolio of more than 60 certified seed varieties of
various crop types including wheat, durum, barley, oats, flax, pulses, and hybrid fall rye.


Introducing Pte L.J. “Jack” Hockley
By Jack Hockley
I was born in the county southwest of Yellow Grass Saskatchewan. I went to a one room school in that area however the most of my education came from watching and learning from my elders and from the “school of hard knocks” where you learn from your mistakes.
I started working on my uncle’s ranch until I reached the age that I could follow the footsteps of my Grandfather and three uncle’s in World War I, and my uncle and seven cousins in World War II, so I joined the Canadian Army as a private.
I took basic training at Maple Creek Saskatchewan, and advance training at Camp Shilo in Manitoba. The war in Europe was coming to an end, so I ended up in the Pacific Command. I was honorably discharged in April 1946 and started working for the federal government on a P.F.R.A. pasture.
I remained with P.F.R.A. in various positions until my retirement in 1981 when we retired to Maple Creek Saskatchewan. We bought a small place and raised a family of two boys and two girls. We ran a few cattle and horses and sold out in 2005. We now live in the town of Maple Creek.
I joined the Legion in Maple Creek in 1949‐50 then missed a few years until I got back to Maple Creek. In the Legion I served on various committees and as President and Vice President a few times.

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