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Jealous ex-boyfriend kills three with stick of dynamite

Posted on November 29, 2018 by Maple Creek

10 Years Ago (2008)
• Zack Smith has made it to the top tier of the hockey world and was called up to play a game with the Ottawa Senators.
• Half of the lots in the first phase of the first permanent RV development at the Centre Block of Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park were sold.
• The Fox Valley Senior Boys Volleyball team captured the provincial gold medal for the seventh time in eight years.

20 Years Ago (1998)
• A dangerous high-speed chase on the Trans Canada highway ended near the Maple Creek junction after RCMP blocked the road and laid spike belts to puncture the vehicles tires.
• The Town’s water upgrade will soon be completed after a frustrating, slow and expensive procedure. Councillor Ken Crandall said, “I think we have spent $100,000 just to keep the west reservoir from running over.”
• A southwest Saskatchewan student won a 1999 Farm Safety Poster Contest. 13 year-old JoAnne Entz of Haven Colony School, Fox Valley, was the grand prize winner. She received $100 and her poster will be featured in the 1999 Farm Safety Calendar.

30 Years Ago (1988)
• A fire was spotted on the north slope of the Cypress Hills near the Alberta border and burned over 15 acres of timber before it was brought under control. Roger Parsonage reported the fire, and Fort Walsh maintenance personnel took initial action, but strong gusts swept the blaze out of control and more help was called.
• Maple Creek Hawks suffered two losses in White Mud Hockey League action. 7-4 to Gull Lake and 7-5 to Eastend. Maple Creek goal scorers were Jeff Gold, Casey Reznechenko, Darren McLeod and Al Fournier.
• Christmas tree cutting is allowed in Cypress Hills with the pine beetle no longer a threat. Only the West Block will be open for the activity and no permits will be required.

40 Years Ago (1978)
• Mr. E.A. (Slim) Eckart, 63, a business man in this community for close to 40 years, died suddenly. Mr. Eckart was an active member of the Fish & Game Association, being president of the Maple Creek branch for 11 years.
• Tompkins pensioners receive $643 Social Services Grant. The grant will assist the organization with the renovations to their senior centre.
• Santa Claus arrived in a plane after it landed at the Maple Creek landing field. The man in the red suit met the kiddies at the school grounds and directed them to the Theatre where they were treated to a free show and treats following.

50 Years Ago (1968)
• The Maple Creek Chamber of Commerce’s Farmer-Rancher Night was well attended. A sell-out crowd filled the community crowd. Guest speaker was A.J. Webster, Production and Marketing Branch of the Sask. Dept. of Agriculture.
• Ray Makus of Golden Prairie was awarded a trophy for having landed the largest jackfish in the annual competition of the Maple Creek branch of the Fish & Game League. Mrs. Ted Boyce landed the largest rainbow. Reinhardt Arndt of Golden Prairie shot the largest goose.
• A report from the Artifical Ice Committee indicated that to date $3,931.32 had been spent on the arena. There was also a payment of $9,950 made on the ice plant.

60 Years Ago (1958)
• Mr. Ira A. Quick, well known pioneer resident of the district passed away in the Maple Creek Union Hospital. He was 91.
• A few Maple Creek stockmen attended the Wilf Edgar purebred Hereford sale at Innisfail, Alta. Top price of the sale was $3,200 paid for a half interest in a bull by Art Slade of Tompkins.
• The happiest man in Maple Creek this week was Dr. Mike Medora who was notified that he won the $1000 bond raffled by the Swift Current Rotary Club.

70 Years Ago (1948)
• W.A. Cochran, Optometrist, will visit Maple Creek on Monday afternoon and evening and Piapot on Tuesday morning. Eyes examined. Glasses fitted.
• Canadian farmers will be granted full exemption from income tax on the sale of “basic herds” of cattle, sheep or swine, if the herds have been approved by the income tax department for taxation purposes, it was learned last week.
• Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Opsahl celebrated their silver wedding anniversary at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Vern Sawby. A buffet supper was served to around 65 people.

80 Years Ago (1938)
• An oil tanker travelling the No. 1 highway was piled in the ditch between Tompkins and Sidewood. The driver, unconscious from head injuries was brought to Maple Creek Hospital for medical attention. It is thought that the driver was asleep at the wheel.
• The public may be of interest to know that, thanks to their generous support of the Poppy Campaign, the Maple Creek branch of the Canadian Legion has been able to forward to our Provincial Command the sum of $63.00 to be used for the benefit of disabled ex-servicemen.

90 Years Ago (1928)
• Dr. Dawson receives acclamation as Mayor, as not a single nomination had been submitted before nomination deadline.
• Maddened by jealousy because Beatrice Baragar had refused his offer to take her away from Aneroid, William Laqua lit a stick of dynamite with his cigarette while he held his former sweetheart in his arms, and killed himself, the girl and her mother, Mrs. Goldie Baragar in the explosion that followed.
• Owing to the fact that general conditions are good in the town and district, this year the Red Cross will not be making any appeal for the usual Christmas Cheer Fund.

100 Years Ago (1918)
• Richard Dawson, of Murraydale, died in the Jasper Hotel. He worked faithfully for some time before contracting influenza to which he succumbed.
• Mr. Arthur Blythman will be the Mayor for the upcoming year. He comes to the office with a ripe experience acquired during the years 1913-1916 when he served the Town in the capacity of Councillor.
• W.H. Curlev, the most enthusiastic potash hunter in Maple Creek, was advised this week by the chemist at the Iowa State College that samples from his claim eight miles north of here contained potash in quantities as high as 6.01.

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