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Why government and why now?

Posted on January 22, 2021 by Maple Creek

Family man: The new reeve Elden Jamieson and his wife raised their children in Maple Creek.

Having worked for the RM of Maple Creek in the past I have a good understanding of the layout of the municipality. My past experiences as underground foreman at the Cameco Mine at Cigar Lake offered a lot of knowledge working on large projects within budgets while managing large crews. All of which sparked my interest in the political field.
Maple Creek is home and where my wife and I have raised our children. I have always been interested in taking an active role in the community and now that our children have graduated feel the time is right to join the municipal team.
Future growth, sustainability and succession planning are crucial for our community to continue to grow and prosper. In order to achieve positive outcomes, intermunicipal cooperation is a must. Town and RM cooperation is vital but it must also include our surrounding municipalities as well as levels of government. We are not just Maple Creek we are Southwest Saskatchewan. By building strong inter-municipal relationships we can reach goals while being fiscally responsible to our ratepayers.
With honesty and integrity, we can build our community and make it a place where people want to raise their families, operate their business and retire. We need to do our part to make sure we have what is needed in our community to achieve this. An example is our newly developed Maple Creek Community Fire Hall. This is a not only a crucial need for emergency response in our community but it is a building to be proud of that will meet community needs well into the future. It is standing proof that we should be striving for community initiatives. We all have strengths and weaknesses and instead of exploiting them lets work together and focus on what we can do to better our community and the southwest.
2021 is full of projects that we are currently focused on. The development of Kincorth Road will allow safer options for producers to haul commodities with direct access to the number one highway. We have been approved for grant assistance funding for improvements on our clearing the path roads including upgrades to parts of Southview Road, Hatton Road and culvert replacement of Hatton Bridge. Receiving funding for projects like these allow costly upgrades to be done while not being detrimental to our ratepayers. Bridges are very expensive, one million dollars and up, but are a necessity for regular travel and transporting commodities.
Developments in bridge options such as the casted cement boxed culverts replacing the Gold Bridge that was completed in 2020 saved approximately $750,000.00 while offering the same amenity. Asset management must continue to be our priority in order to meet the ever-changing needs of our community.
I look forward to what 2021 has to offer and my new tasks as Reeve for the RM of Maple Creek.

Elden Jamieson , reeve for the RM of Maple Creek

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