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Feil: Don’t bite the hand that feeds you

Posted on April 29, 2021 by Maple Creek

Letter to the editor:
Just a few personal thoughts on the refusal to use the Jasper Centre grounds for the rally on Saturday April 24.and the rant published in the paper by my friend, Mr. Donny White. Now personally I do not care if the Jasper Centre board allows the use of the grounds or not. What bothers me is the remarks made. The following is a direct quote.
(As an educational institution, the Jasper Centre has striven to promote higher learning and discussion not only as it relates to arts and heritage, but also the larger issues facing our society. As a Centre of learning, we do not tolerate the spread of misinformation that is destructive to our community and the institutions that operate within and trust the authorities will act accordingly when faced with defiance.)
Now I was of the opinion that the focus of an institution of learning was to promote diversity of thought thus leading to debate on a subject regardless on which side of the fence one might stand. Education should teach how to think, not what to think. Luckily when I attended school we still had a few teachers who followed those principals. The above attitude leads to a decay of the educational system. My way or the highway just doesn’t sit well with me.
I thank you for your hard work as the chair of the Jasper Board, and you have a right to your opinion but I don’t think you have the right to decide what is misinformation. Sound like a liberal talking point that we hear from our great federal leader in Ottawa on a daily basis. Also, do not forget that disparaging the opinions of others, might have an adverse effect on the funds that you depend on to operate the Jasper Centre. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
Just my opinion
Golden Prairie, Sask.

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