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More pool fundraisers coming up

Posted on May 13, 2021 by Maple Creek
Corrie Scott

The funding campaign for Maple Creek’s new swimming pool is expected to kick into higher gear soon. A much-anticipated online 50/50 will be getting underway, once a proper account for the money has been secured.
Corrie Scott, chairperson of the pool fundraising committee, said other proposed fundraisers include an online auction in the spring or early summer, and a “fire and water” golf tournament in July, raising money for the pool and the new fire hall.
“They are both excellent causes,” said Scott.
So far, fundraising activities such as auctions, bottle drives, and donations have netted more than $200,000 towards the committee’s target of $700,000.
Money will also be coming from the Federal Gas Tax Fund, which helps local governments deliver infrastructure projects.
Scott said the committee continued to explore the possibility of further grant money. One of the applications is for Co-op Community Spaces funding.
This program was established to improve community health and wellbeing by building places for Western Canadians to come together, build social connections and enable community development. Between $25,000 and $150,000 can be applied for in capital funding in three categories: recreation, environmental conservation and urban agriculture.
Estimates of the cost of the project range from about $2.2 million to a high end of $2.8 million – $1,485,000 for building the pool and $1.3 million for out-of-scope work like demolition of the existing pool, lowering the hill, concrete and decking, temporary fencing, and building a mechanical room, changing rooms and an office. Some jobs, such as demolition and levelling, have already been done.
Council decided to put a cap of $1.6m on Master Pools’ work, covering unforeseen expenses. It is hoped that use of local contractors will significantly reduce costs.
Meanwhile, the pool committee has received blueprints for the pool house. Last week, public input was invited before the Town was scheduled to meet Master Pools on Tuesday, May 11.
The public was asked to consider such questions as reception area functionality, shoe rack, lockers, benches, sensor toilets in the bathroom, water fountain location, water bottle filling station, canteen area, insulation and heating.
The plan is for Edmonton-based Master Pools Alta to begin building the pool in July. The goal is to complete the bulk of the project in four to five months and apply finishing touches in May and June 2022. The tentative opening date is July 2022.
Scott believed that community excitement about a new pool would rise once construction gets underway.
“There’s nothing like the sight of shovels in the ground,” she said. “It will show that our new pool will become a reality.”

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