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LETTER TO EDITOR: Trudeau hiding from those who drive the economy

Posted on February 8, 2022 by Maple Creek

Where is Trudeau?
Truckers transport nearly every material thing society needs to survive. Now they may help save us from ourselves, delivering hope and freedom from “Trudeauism”.
I’ve never been so proud to be Canadian as I have the last week or so. People from all walks of life finally have something to cheer about, something to give them hope.
This thing started as a protest against cover mandates, but has become much bigger. After all this time, nobody cares about anti-vaxxers. If they don’t have a shot by now, they never will. It’s about a lot of other really important things that the Liberals have forced on us. Climate change policy, carbon tax, the CBC, money wasting, money printing; they are setting the taxpayer up for failure.
Basically, agriculture and the transport industry have kept our economy moving. It seems nearly overnight that the truckers united from across Canada. The “fringe minority” must have terrified Trudeau. Big machines carrying freedom signs, women and children waving Canadian flags from sea to sea. How dare they!
Trudeau hides under the bed because the trucks are coming in peaceful protest. Is that what a true leader does? Rather than communicate with concerned citizens who want to be heard?
Some will still follow Trudeau and his ilk, down the path to anxiety, depression, suicide and eventually, some sort of communism. They will accept his lies, arrogance, deceit and hypocrisy. But that is what freedom is about. They are free to follow him down that dark road.
People, wake up!
History is to be learned from, not hidden from us. They’re already censoring everything the “Karen” doesn’t like. Soon, our children will be under the bed with “Karen”. A leader under the bed is … well … just pathetic.

Dave Elliott
Maple Creek

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