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Few incidents during holiday season, RCMP report

Posted on January 6, 2014 by Maple Creek

The majority of people in the Maple Creek area were making good decisions when it came to their Christmas and New Year’s Eve celebrations, according to local RCMP.

The Maple Creek RCMP Detachment reported few incidents between Christmas Eve and Jan. 2.

No impaired driving charges were laid, but police responded to a single-vehicle accident near Piapot, which alcohol is believed to have been a factor in.

Maple Creek RCMP and EMS responded to the rollover which occurred one mile east of Piapot on the Trans-Canada Highway at about 4:15 p.m. on Dec. 29. An eastbound 1990 GMC Suburban had entered the ditch and rolled.

The lone male occupant, a 64-year-old man from Swift Current, was transported to Swift Current Hospital as Maple Creek Hospital’s emergency room was closed that day. His injuries are unknown.

RCMP continue to investigate the incident.

No other major incidents were reported to police.

“Thankfully it was a quiet holiday season,” said Sgt. Jeremy Allard, noting members responded to 17 routine calls between Christmas Eve and Jan. 2.

Local RCMP patrolled throughout their detachment area.

“Right through (the holidays) we increased our patrol efforts to prevent any impaired driving more than catch impaired drivers,” he explained. “Sometimes just being out on patrol will make people think twice about (drinking and) driving. We actually gave a lot of people rides home from different social events just to prevent them from walking in the cold weather or making a bad decision and driving.”

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