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Patzer comments on end of Parliamentary session

Posted on June 29, 2021 by Maple Creek

Jeremy Patzer, MP for Cypress Hills—Grasslands released the following statement following the rising of Parliament on June 23rd.
“We’ve reached the end of our sitting parliamentary session, and parliament has now recessed for the summer—set to return on September 20th, if we don’t go into an election first.
“This past month has been a hectic one, as the Trudeau Government extended sitting hours into the night each day in order to try ram through a number of their Bills before Wednesday. The result was a chaotic month, where with the help of the NDP and Bloc who continue to prop up the government, Bills C-6, C-10, C-12 and the Budget have now been passed on to the Senate for consideration.
“Of most concern to me was the passage of Bill C-10, which will serve to censor what content individual users can upload to their social media platforms and otherwise. Conservatives have fought tooth and nail to prevent this legislation from passing. But as the only party in a minority government that understands the concept of individual freedom, it was not enough to stop the Liberals from advancing their agenda. I’m hoping the Senate will do its job and give this Bill the sober second thought it needs.
“On the heels of C-10 passing, and on the very last day before the House recessed, the Justice Minister tabled a Bill which would regulate hate speech. This just goes to show that the Trudeau Liberals are not going to relent when it comes to controlling speech. Power is addictive, and the Liberals will do anything to strengthen their hold on it without any regard for your fundamental rights.
“Canadians should be alarmed by this, and wake up to the reality of how a seemingly ‘free’ and ‘democratic’ society can easily slide into an authoritarian rule by a powerful elitist class, if we fail to stand on guard.“
While the Liberals are focused on restricting your freedoms and increasing red tape and bureaucracy, Conservatives have tabled and passed a number of bills, which focused on making life easier for you. These include:
• Bill C-204, which bans the export of non-recyclable plastic waste to foreign countries;
• Bill C-206, which would exempt qualifying farmers from paying the Liberal carbon tax on gasoline, diesel fuel, propane and natural gas, saving them tens of thousands of dollars a year on farming operations;
• Bill C-208, which will make it easier for families to transfer their business or farm to their children;
• Bill C-210, which will make it easier to register as an organ donor; and
• Bill C-220, which will give Canadians more time off following the death of a loved one;
• Bill C-269 which would prohibit the deposit of raw sewage.
“The reality is painfully clear. We need a Conservative government. Our future, our freedom, our Canada depends on it.”
For a full list of the work MP Patzer was able to accomplish this past year, visit: https://jeremypatzer.com/2020-2021-in-parliament

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