February 16, 2025 -19.3°C

‘Miracles come in moments, always be ready and willing’

Posted on February 2, 2023 by Maple Creek
SUPPORTING SANDY: From left: Will Blakley, Cody Parsonage, Sarah Beierbach, Brette Tully, Reese Mackie, Rayleigh Newman and Jon Rutkowski.


When the unthinkable struck our small southwest area on December 30, the students at Consul School were adamant to help their friend Sandy Cooper in any way possible. 
The annual Consul coliseum hockey game was fast approaching. Will Blakley approached Glenice Cooper-Black, asking if his classmates and himself could sell 50/50 tickets at the hockey game to help raise money for Sandy. 
When Glenice asked Sandy if he was okay with it, his response was “My friends would do that for me?”
The students at Consul School announced at the hockey game that all 50/50 proceeds are going towards Sandy Cooper’s Recovery and the response was overwhelming.
They walked around throughout all 3 periods, raising a total of $4355.00. The winner of the 50/50 was Rayleigh Newman, who generously donated it back to Sandy without hesitation. The generosity continued, as 11 individuals and business matched the 50/50, bringing the total raised to just under $45,000.00.
“When we found out the results of what was raised and found out that Rayleigh donated her winnings back and so many individuals and businesses matched, we just kept thinking how it is possible for a little farming and ranching community to do so much? We kept thinking, how can we put into words what we are feeling, there is no way we can ever thank everyone enough” – Glenice Cooper-Black
“Some people may say it would be impossible for a little community in the southwest area to raise just under $45,000.00 in a matter of hours for Sandy. If people knew the type of people that surround us, they would understand its not a miracle, we are just blessed to live in the best place. We are surrounded by truly caring people” – Dan Black
“All I know is when trouble has come our way, it is not just our family that has helped, but also neighbours, friends, surrounding communities, and people we do not even know. It is a reminder that there are more good people in the world than bad” – Glenice Cooper-Black
The 11 individuals & businesses that matched the 50/50 are as follows:
• Ag-Plus Mechanical
• Reamer Trucking
• Flying W Consulting
• Southline Gas & Oilfield Services Ltd
• Maple Creek Endless Tubing
• Blythman Agencies
• Pattison Agriculture
• North American Helium
• Creekside Vet Services
• Wes & Kim Eng
• Derek Dean & Kim Wellings
“We are so very grateful, incredibly thankful, and unbelievably blessed to have so many people behind us”

Love from the Sandstrong Team

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