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Anyone for badminton?

Posted on November 4, 2021 by Maple Creek
Smashing time: Pictured left to right at the Sidney Street School gym on Monday night are Mike Corbin, Mario Ladouceur, Savannah Mass and Bernie Zinger.

How do most people spend Monday evening? Glued to a television or laptop?
Well, Bernie Zinger is one of those in Maple Creek who has found another option … playing badminton.
It is not a recent discovery. For a long time, he has been going to Sidney Street School gym between 7pm and 9pm on Monday to enjoy recreational badminton.
“I do it for the exercise and to socialize,” he said.
This Monday four people, including Bernie, showed up. The others were Mario Ladouceur, Mike Corbin, and Savannah Mass.
Four was enough for a game of doubles. While the object was fun, a spirit of good-natured competition was evident from the plethora of smashes, drives, flicks and hairpin net shots. Mario, in particular, was not averse to throwing himself … sometimes literally … into his shot-making.
“On average we get anywhere between two and six people,” said Bernie.
This small group would love to attract more badminton enthusiasts, or even those curious enough to try something new.
Anyone interested should show up at Sidney Street School gym at around 7pm on a Monday. The school caretaker opens the door.
There is a $3 drop-in fee, and people should bring their own racquets – although a spare racquet might be available.
“We really want more people to come,” said Savannah, who ranks badminton as her favourite sport.
Recreational badminton has been taking place in Maple Creek for many years (not in 2020 because of COVID-19). Brent Mason is credited with being behind it.
Sidney Street School gym is also a lively place on Thursday nights (between 7pm and 9pm) … for volleyball. Again, people are welcome to show up and take part.
Who says there is nothing to do in Maple Creek? Not Bernie, Mario, Mike, and Savannah.

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